Saturday, July 9, 2011

How To Do IT!!

Everyone loves visuals on how to do things. are some videos I thought were good on HOW TO remove stains from clothes and your delicate fabrics. Accidents happen so don't throw out your delicates..  here is how you can fix it!

How to remove Vomit from Clothing and Comforters

How to remove urine from clothing and comforters

How to clean a mattress after a bed wetting

How to remove sweat stains from clothing

How to wash and refluff a down comforter

How to remove paint from carpet

Fun Widgets

Here are some fun widgets that I found from that I thought would be fun to share. Try them out!! I took the Life Expectancy Test and it estimated that I would live to be a ripe old age of 93!.. so I got about 51 more years to go.. whoo hoo!! There is also a World Clock widget where you can get real time information on things like: population, metric tons of co2,deaths,births and much more. Also there is a World Calendar with information of what is happening around the world today. Fun stuff hope you enjoy it :)